ST. LOUIS, MO (KMOV/CNN/WBTW)- A troubling class assignment landed a Missouri school teacher on administrative leave.
The question asked students to put a price on slaves.
CNN affiliate KMOV reports the assignment was given to fifth graders last week.
Jeremy Booker, the principal of Blades Elementary School in Mehlville, Missouri, responded to parents and staff in a letter, saying students were asked to think about plantation owners and how they traded for slaves and goods. Booker also said the assignment was completed in class.
One of the questions on the assignment read:
“You own a plantation or farm and therefore need more workers. You begin to get involved in the slave trade industry and have slaves work on your farm. Your product to trade is slaves.
Set your price for a slave. ____________ These could be worth a lot.
You may trade for any items you’d like.”