Florida bill: Ban dog petting, applying makeup while driving

FLORIDA (CBS NEWSPATH) – A new bill proposal in Florida would ban you interacting with your pets while driving.

“It would be kind of hard because you still have to deal with them like a kid kind of, so that’d be hard,” said driver Samantha Williams.

According to a AAA survey, 52 percent of people say they have pet their dog while driving, and another 29 admitted they were distracted by their dog.

“People driving with their dogs in their front seat, they could jump in their lap at any time and they could wreck,” said Williams.

The new proposal isn’t just taking aim at pets. 

The bill also redefines distracted driving to include more than mobile devices.

Reading, writing, and applying makeup behind the steering wheel would be against the law.

“That’s a tough one because that’s almost like texting and driving,” said driver Jim Benton.

The bill would also make distracted driving a primary offense, which means you could be pulled over if you’re seen petting your dog.

This new legislation proposal is aimed at saving lives on Florida roads.