Apex man’s Toys ‘R’ Us jingle goodbye tribute has 7 million views

One Apex man has gone viral with a song he created and posted online saying goodbye to Toys ‘R’ Us.

Last week the toy store chain announced it’s going out of businesses.

Toys ‘R’ Us has been in operation for about 70 years, and helped many generations of kids avoid “growing up.”

One of those kids — a little older now — has kids of his own and lives in Apex.

Chase Holfelder is a musician known on YouTube for his Major to Minor songs, where he changes the key of popular songs. He has an online following of more than 400,000.

 Recently, Holfelder stepped outside of his usual selection of songs, and did a jingle, but this is a very important jingle.

“I know everyone has nostalgia around that jingle and going to Toys ‘R’ Us as a kid,” he said.

In a video which you can’t be sure if you should laugh, or cry, Holfelder recreates the famous Toys R’ Us theme song – “I don’t want to grow up, I’m a Toys R’ Us kid.”

But he adds his trademark somber touch.

“I knew it would strike a chord with some people,” said Holfelder.

Some people is an understatement. Within four days of posting the video, Holfelder’s cover of the jingle has more than 7 million views on Facebook.

 He says it’s the fastest any of his videos have gone viral.

Holfelder says its spread so fast, he’s even heard from the author of the original Toys ‘R’ Us jingle.

To see more of Holfelder’s work go to his YouTube page.