The NAACP is hosting several events in Columbia Monday and Tuesday.
Here are the events they have announced:
Unity & Healing Rally Saturday, July 4, 2015
4:00 PM – 7:00 PM State House Steps, Main & Gervais
This event is hosted in collaboration with Take the Flag Down SC. This will be a patriotic protest rally featuring live music and speeches from civic leaders who support the Campaign for Dignity in South Carolina. Make plans now to attend this.
Unity and Justice Vigil Monday, July 6, 2015
7:00 PM – 8:30 PM, State House Steps, Main & Gervais
The public is invited to join us as we memorialize many of the victims of terrorism and violence in the shadow of the Confederate flag in South Carolina and examine the way forward after the Charleston Massacre that addresses the core racial disparities that define the Campaign for Dignity in South Carolina
Press Conference & Legislative Watch Tuesday, July 7, 2015
12:00 PM SC State House, 1st Floor Rotunda
This may be our final push before what we anticipate to be a historic vote on the future of South Carolina. We invite you to witness the deliberations in the House and Senate Chambers leading to what we hope will be a final vote to place the divisive banner of the Confederacy in a museum.