Officials with the South Carolina Department of Parks, Recreation, and Tourism expect low gas prices and a healthy economy to help make 2015 a record year of tourism.

Boardwalk Winery is open year-round at Broadway at the Beach in Myrtle Beach. Erica Hines opened the store several years ago with her family. The summer tourism season is her busiest time of the year, but she doesn’t expect that to begin until March.

“Any time that tourism is up, it allows not only for the businesses to be able to be able to profit, but it allows us to extend that to the community through additional jobs and also additional community giving,” said Hines.

She says one way to be successful in the off-season is to support other small businesses. She has a portion of the store dedicated to other Myrtle Beach artisans’ work.

“We are just families trying to support other families,” Hines said.