Myrtle Beach School Improvement Council Up For State Award

MYRTLE BEACH, S.C. (Press Release) – The School Improvement Council for Myrtle Beach Primary, Myrtle Beach Elementary and Myrtle Beach Intermediate schools is one of five finalists for the South Carolina School Improvement Council’s Dick and Tunky Riley Award for School Improvement Council Excellence.

The 2015 winner will be revealed at the SC-SIC Annual Meeting on Saturday, March 7, at Lexington’s River Bluff High School.

“Educating our children is vitally important to our local businesses and communities, and we applaud the Myrtle Beach elementary schools’ School Improvement Council for their proactive efforts in providing our young people with a quality education,” said Brad Dean, president and CEO of the Myrtle Beach Area Chamber of Commerce. “Having a strong school system ensures that qualified young adults enter our workforce and keep our economy strong. It also makes the Myrtle Beach area more desirable to those who might be looking to relocate.”

The SC-SIC Riley Award is named in honor of former S..C. Gov. and U.S. Education Sec. Richard Riley and his late wife, Tunky.

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