MYRTLE BEACH, SC – Myrtle Beach Girl Scout Ingram Cox, Troop #95, received the Gold Award on May 7 for her Potter’s Field Project that helped bury 72 unclaimed cremated remains.
The Gold Award is the most prestigious award given to Girl Scouts and is open to high school level girls registered as Girl Scout Seniors or Ambassadors. To be eligible, Girls must participate in Journeys and Take Action projects in which the Girls are encouraged to make their communities a better place and foster leadership skills as individuals.
There are seven total steps to completing their Take Action project including identifying an issue and submitting a proposal. A minimum of 80 project hours is required for the Gold Award. Receiving the award allows Girls to solve a community issue as well as be eligible for many college scholarships, or enter the military one rank higher. “Earning the Girl Scout Gold Award designation is truly a remarkable achievement, and this exemplifies leadership in all its forms,” said Loretta Graham, CEO of Girl Scouts of Eastern SC. Ingram saw a need in their community and took action. Her extraordinary dedication, perseverance and leadership is making the world a better place.”
Cox’s project was a collaboration with the Horry Country Coroner’s office to give the remains a final resting place. “My project provided those individuals with a proper service and burial that put them to rest in a very respectable way,” said Cox. “It was important because everyone, no matter who they are, deserves a service and burial, but that right had been taken away from individuals within my own community.”
In addition to the Gold Award, Cox has also received the Bronze and Silver awards, and the Troop Top Seller award for selling over 9300 Girl Scout cookies. She is a member of troop #95 in Myrtle Beach, led by her mother Michelle Cox. She has been a member since kindergarten. “Girl Scouts has helped me grow as a person and learn the important things that are crucial to know throughout life,” she said.-This is from a Press Release.