MYR hopes to keep lines moving as travel numbers rise this spring

MYRTLE BEACH, SC (WBTW) – After a record breaking year for travel at MYR, the airport wants to make sure travelers are prepared so lines can move even quicker in 2017.

Officials say the travel season usually picks up at the beginning of March and as more people use the airport, delays with the TSA can become a big problem.

TSA regional spokesperson Mark Howell said self-defense items usually cause the biggest delays.

“We know why people carry them in their purse or along with them for their own safety.  However, the thing we are asking people to do before they come to the airport is remove those items from their purses: pepper sprays, those stun guns, those fist weapons.  If you have those items that you usually keep on you, make sure that you transfer those from your carry-on bag to your check bag,” Howell said.

Howell also recommends everyone should do a quick, five minute check before heading to the airport.

Travelers can also download the My TSA app to look up items they want to bring and see what carry-on rules apply.