The McLeod Sports Medicine Symposium, “The Overhead Athlete: It’s More Than Just the Shoulder” will be held at The Florence Civic Center this Saturday, May 30 from 8:00 am – 5:00 pm. Physicians, Athletic Trainers, and Physical Therapists will be speaking on topics including Non-Surgical Considerations, Assessment, Prevention, and Surgical Criteria, Upper Extremity Kinematics and Exercise Progressions, & Building Confidence, Not Just Performance. Interactive Motion Analysis Labs will take place for baseball, Softball, Tennis, and Volleyball. Mor than 150 people are expected to attend. Call 843-777-2982, or email: to learn more.
Athletic Trainers: Pee Dee AHEC/McLeod Regional Medical Center is recognized by the
Board of Certification, Inc. to offer continuing education for Certified Athletic Trainers. This
program has been approved for a maximum of 3.0 hours of EBP Category continuing
education hours and 5.0 hours of Category A continuing education. Certified
Athletic Trainers are responsible for claiming only those hours actually spent in the
continuing education activity. BOC Approved EBP Provider #3731-2001.
Certified Athletic Trainers are required to provide their BOC Certification
Numbers at the on-site registration to receive credits.
Physical Therapists and Physical Therapist Assistants: This program has been approved for
9.6 contact hours of continuing education by SC AHEC under its accreditation by the SC
Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation Board of Examiners for Physical Therapy. The
South Carolina AHEC system is recognized as an approved provider of continuing education
by the South Carolina Board of Physical Therapy.
Physical Therapists (NC): This program is approved by the North Carolina Board of Physical
Therapy Examiners by virtue of the SC Board of Physical Therapy approval for 9.0 contact
hours of continuing education.
Occupational Therapists and Occupational Therapist Assistants: This program is approved
for 9.6 hours of continuing education. The South Carolina AHEC system holds presumptive
approval as a provider of continuing education for
occupational therapists by the South Carolina Board
of Occupational Therapy.
Participants must attend 90% of the program in order to receive a certificate
of attendance. No partial credit will be given.
This course will focus on the mechanics of the overhead motion, strengthening interventions aimed at minimizing injury risk, and improving athletic performance with mental conditioning. Attention will be applied to the kinetic chain; linking injuries during the overhead motion with a focus on maximizing lower extremity power production. Sport psychology highlighting athlete confidence and return to play will also be discussed.
Target Audience: Certified Athletic Trainers, Physical Therapists, Physical Therapist Assistants, Occupational Therapists, and Occupational Therapist Assistants.
Objectives: At the conclusion of this symposium, participants should be able to: :
1. State risk factors identified
during a physical exam that
increase an overhead
athlete’s probability of
suffering an overuse related
shoulder or elbow injury.
2. Summarize at least two
published studies
distinguishing rotator cuff
and/or scapular muscle
activations during various
corrective exercises.
3. Apply the use of plyometric
throwing exercises for trunk,
lower extremity, and upper
extremity strengthening in
either a rehabilitation or
sports performance setting.
4. Analyze movement patterns
during overhead sporting
activities including
throwing, serving, and
spiking for compensations
and inefficient
biomechanical actions.
5. Construct an evidence based
kinetic chain strengthening
program for injured and
uninjured athlete.
6. Evaluate overhead athletes
with recommendations for
specific, individualized
corrective exercises to correct
objective impairments
7. Identify and understand
the anatomy and physical
exam of the shoulder
8. Develop non-operative
treatment programs for the
overhead athlete.
9. Develop the operative
treatment programs for the
overhead athlete.
10. Identify strategies for
assisting an athlete for
coping with injury.
11. Identify a plan to build
athlete confidence in
performance for return
Objectives: At the conclusion of this symposium, participants should be able to: :
1. State risk factors identified
during a physical exam that
increase an overhead
athlete’s probability of
suffering an overuse related
shoulder or elbow injury.
2. Summarize at least two
published studies
distinguishing rotator cuff
and/or scapular muscle
activations during various
corrective exercises.
3. Apply the use of plyometric
throwing exercises for trunk,
lower extremity, and upper
extremity strengthening in
either a rehabilitation or
sports performance setting.
4. Analyze movement patterns
during overhead sporting
activities including
throwing, serving, and
spiking for compensations
and inefficient
biomechanical actions.
5. Construct an evidence based
kinetic chain strengthening
program for injured and
uninjured athlete.
6. Evaluate overhead athletes
with recommendations for
specific, individualized
corrective exercises to correct
objective impairments
7. Identify and understand
the anatomy and physical
exam of the shoulder
8. Develop non-operative
treatment programs for the
overhead athlete.
9. Develop the operative
treatment programs for the
overhead athlete.
10. Identify strategies for
assisting an athlete for
coping with injury.
11. Identify a plan to build
athlete confidence in
performance for return