Marcus Lattimore “Change of Culture” camp attracts athletes across Pee Dee

HARTSVILLE, SC (WBTW) – Former Gameocks star and San Francisco 49ers player Marcus Lattimore made his way back to the Pee Dee for a “Change the Culture” camp for athletes.

The two day camp is at Hartsville High School and more than a hundred kids came out to camp.

Lattimore offered athletes tips and training Saturday morning.

Marcus Lattimore says the purpose of the camp is to teach the kids how to be team players and enjoy a competitive sport.

“There is so much potential here in Hartsville. I mean there are so many athletes and they have a great tradition of winning in football obviously and obviously they just won in softball as well, so sports don’t matter, it’s what you learn from sports,” explained Lattimore.

Liberty Tax in Hartsville and Darlington County Parks and Recreation organized Saturday’s camp.

Lattimore says his next camp will be in August at the Freedom Florence Complex.http://www.marcuslattimorefoundation.com