LATTA, SC (WBTW) A man left $2 million in his will for the Latta Library. Dr. Francis Marion “Frank” McMillan III died on July 6, 2017 in Augusta, GA at 87 years old.
McMillian was born and raised in Latta but ventured off to different states where he worked as a university professor.
“He grew up to be very bright, very artistic, and a kind person,” said Shirley Kopituk, McMillan’s cousin.
Growing up in Latta, Shirley said McMillan spent many days at the library. She wasn’t surprised to find out he included it in his will.
“He had spoken to me about wanting to do this mainly to honor his mother, and this was one of the places where he spent many happy hours in Latta. A lot of us did.”
In his will, McMillan said he wants the money to go towards constructing a reading room. Some fear there isn’t enough space on the library’s property.
“We don’t have any extra space on this lot to build anything, so we would have to acquire additional space with a property adjacent to the library,” said Tommy Stephens, Dillon County Library Board Chairman.
Trustees, who are handling Dr.McMillan’s will, are now working to determine how the money can be used. Stephens told News13 board members have mentioned building a new library in a different location.
“We just want to do the right thing. We want to do what he would want us to do firsthand, and we’d like to do what the people of Latta want us to do. But, at the same time, we want to be good stewards of that money and use it right,” Stephens said.
There is still no date set for when a decision will be made. Count on News13 to bring those updates.