LOL: Carolina Forest couple decides who should chase bear from backyard feeder

CAROLINA FOREST, SC (WBTW) – A Carolina Forest couple had a laugh-out-loud moment when a surprise guest helped itself to the family’s bird feeder.

“Go on out there, honey” Irene Hanley exclaimed to her husband. “Oh, look at him, he’s eating my feeder. Honey, you gotta go out there!”

The bear popped up in the Hanleys’ backyard off Carolina Forest Boulevard just in time for dinner, at about 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday.

“He’s eating all my seed!” she pleads again. The sound of the door opens as Irene lets the dog out, “Go ahead, Sadie,” she says.

The bear, standing up, is holding the hanging bird feeder between both paws and is hungrily sucking all the seed out of it.

“Well, go out there!” her husband replies.

“But I’m filming him, I’m doing a video,” Irene replies.

The sound of the backdoor opening and shutting can be heard and her husband shouts, “Get out of here!”

But the hungry bear casually turns his head, without letting go of the feeder, and stares at him, rather unconcerned. a

“He’s looking at you like, ‘are you kidding me? I’m on the top of the food chain,” says Irene.

The bear turns back to the feeder, unphased, and gobbles down more of the seed.

You can hear the laughter coming from Irene. “Wow, my husband is out there,” she says.

After some more shouting noises and dog barks, the bear runs off into the woods. Top of the food chain or not, the bear wasn’t ready to pick a battle this time.