Local students warn peers against drinking and driving before prom

A group of local high school students hit the streets of Conway to help prevent their peers from drinking and driving this prom season.

Shoreline Behavioral Health’s Youth Advisory Board visited prom dress stores and floral shops on Saturday. They placed stickers and tags on dresses and texes for sale, reminding people of the legal drinking age. The students said they’ve seen firsthand how prevalent underage drinking is during prom. The youth advisory board said they wanted to remind their peers to make the right decision. “Last year, I went, and I saw a lot of it. It just isn’t a good thing to do. I would hate to see one of my friends get hurt out here because they wanted to do a dumb thing,” said Academy for Technology and Academics student Dejah Knox. “It’s all about looking out for everybody. We want to make sure that everybody stays safe throughout this prom season,” said Academy for the Arts, Science and Technology student Zaria Frederick.