After a string of mass shootings across the nation, these incidents are prompting living room conversations between parents and their children about gun safety and mental health.

Several father and son pairs could be found at The Gun Store in Conway shooting together and purchasing guns on Thursday.

“You shouldn’t treat them like they’re play things, they’re death,” said seventh grader, Brady Dennis.

Dennis says his father is ex law enforcement and takes him to the range every month.

“You should know how to use them, because you could be put in a situation where you’re forced to use a gun,” said Dennis

Ron Mancini says he has been bringing his son Jack along to the gun range for years and teaches him the more you know about guns, the safer you can be.

“It’s unfortunate, a lot of people have mental health problems that they don’t get help for, a lot of people are lost out there,” said Jack Mancini

Owner of The Gun Store, David Floyd, has a heavy background in military and law enforcement.

“None of the guns or the high cap magazines were just invented in the last 30 years, yet mass shootings were almost non-existent 30 or 40 years ago so our culture has clearly changed,” said Floyd

Eric Norman says he was taught about guns from his grandfather when he was a little boy, he is son to be deployed with the U.S. Army.

“It’s a big responsibility. You need to know your laws, know what to expect, guns locked up, ammo separated,” said Norman.