Local church in Pee Dee hosts back to school giveaway

FLORENCE, SC (WBTW) – Favor of God international worship center hosted a back to school giveaway in the Pee Dee to help families prepare for this upcoming school year.

“Just to help the community, so the person that are less fortunate will be able to have some supplies for their kids,” said Pastor Willie Jones.

Children ranging from all ages lines up, picked out their favorite color and left the line with a smile on their face.

“This is just the beginning. We started on a smaller scale and we can only get bigger, so we’re trying to create partnerships in the community so we welcome anybody to come in,” said volunteer Ree D. Fisher.

Besides backpacks, children and parents received other giveaways as well.

“Paper, pencils, pens, markers, glue anything that they have on their supply list, those are the things we give away and we also try to give away gift cards so parents can go to Walmart,” said Pastor Jones.