MYRTLE BEACH, SC (WBTW) – We may be used to the location filters available on the popular Snapchat app, but the latest update might take it a step further.

On June 21, Snapchat rolled out its latest feature – “Snap Map” – an interactive map within the app that lets you see your friends’ exact locations… even down to the exact building they are in. You can watch a video detailing more about the new feature here.

“It’s easy to get started,” the Snapchat website says. “Just pinch and zoom out to view the map”.

There is one security measure in place for using the map – the user decides if they want to use it.

“You decide if you want to share your location with friends, or simply keep it to yourself with Ghost Mode,” the Snapchat website says.

The same goes for your friends.

“If friends are sharing their location with you, their Actionmoji will appear on the map. Actionmojis only update when you open Snapchat,” the website continues. Actionmojis are the little characters available to Snapchat users after its July 2016 partnership with Bitmoji.