July 4 Salute From the Shore schedule

MYRTLE BEACH, SC (WBTW) – Celebrate your July 4th on the beach with the Salute From the Shore VIII annual event.

The 8th Annual Salute from the Shore will begin, as always, at 1:00 p.m. on July 4th in Cherry Grove.

SaluteFromTheShore.org reports F-16s will fly from Shaw Air Force Base, with the C-17 from Charleston Air Force Base and Joint Base Charleston flying behind.

The locations and times for the event are below. Keep in mind all times are approximate, and you are encouraged to arrive early to celebrate.LocationApproximate Times

Myrtle Beach                     1:03

Pawleys Island                  1:06

Isla of Palms                     1:15

Charleston Harbor            1:16

Folly Beach                      1:20

Edisto Island                    1:24

Hilton Head Island           1:31