CBS NEWS – A new study suggests previous research may not hold up when it comes to the health benefits of a glass of wine with dinner.
Canadian researchers say a deeper look at the data indicates moderate drinkers do not live a longer life or have a lower risk of heart disease. SOURCE – Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs/MedDay/CBS
One in six older adults is using *dangerous* combinations of prescription drugs, over-the-counter meds, and dietary supplements.
That’s according to researchers in Chicago who found the number of elderly at risk has *nearly doubled* since 2005. SOURCE- JAMA Internal Medicine/MedDay/CBS
Minnesota doctors are warning that truck drivers who don’t treat their sleep apnea can be a hazard on the highway. Researchers looked at more than 1600 truck drivers with obstructive sleep apnea and found the risk of a crash was much more likely among drivers who did not use their CPAP machines. Sleep apnea can lead to daytime sleepiness and drowsy driving. SOURCE – Sleep/MedDay/CBS