FLORENCE, SC (WBTW) – Florence County Sheriff Kenney Boone reacts to Governor Haley’s visit to Florence today.

“I lost a lot of respect for Nikki Haley today. Her decision to come to Florence County, attack Senator Leatherman and tell us how to vote is insulting.

While Governor Haley is politicking on the streets of Florence, Senator Leatherman is doing his job in the Senate, protecting our farmers and fighting to pass a strong roads bill, without raising taxes.

Over the years, Hugh Leatherman has backed law enforcement and worked to bring 5,000 new jobs and $600 million in new investment to our County. I’m proud of our Senator, and I’m glad he has the courage to stand up to the Governor when she’s wrong.”

Governor Haley was in Florence Wednesday afternoon at Wholly Smokin’ for an event hosted by The Richard Skipper for SC Senate campaign to endorse Skipper for District 31 Senator.