Hundreds lay wreaths at Florence National Cemetery for Wreaths Across America Day

FLORENCE, SC (WBTW) – Hundreds of people lay wreathes on headstones at the Florence National Cemetery Saturday in in honor of National Wreaths Across America Day.

The Organizations mission is to remember, honor and teach others about the importance of those who served in the Armed Forces.

Members of the Florence American Legion Post began placing wreathes on their fallen members early Saturday morning.

Kenneth Curran, Veteran and Florence American Leigon Post Member said, “It’s our job to pass this on. To pass prosperity to the younger generation. To show them what’s the right thing to do. And why, it’s very important that they understand why. Everything is not free and the people laying in this ground here… helped save everything for them.”

“There are a lot of others out here too that I have grown to know over the past few years. You do miss them,” Curran adds.

The Blue Star Mothers of Coastal Carolina based in Myrtle Beach will continue to work toward the goal of laying 12,000 wreaths for 2017—for more information visit http://www.bluestarmothersofcoastalcarolina.com/.