Hundreds join 2nd annual Myrtle Beach Women’s March

Community members in Myrtle Beach joined millions of people across the country participating in the Women’s March on Saturday.

Hundreds of men and women, young and old, gathered at Anderson Park on Ccean boulevard and 19th Avenue North. They marched about 10 blocks down to Plyler Park. Demonstrators held a rally there, where representatives from the Rape Crisis Center of Horry and Georgetown County, Planned Parenthood, and North Carolina congressmen addressed the crowd. Not only did they promote female empowerment, they opposed President Trump’s stance on several issues including immigration, offshore drilling, and education.

Among the marchers was Fran Mulhern, a woman from Myrtle Beach who also traveled to Washington D.C. last year to take part in the Women’s March there. “Last year being in Washington with old people, young people, all races, all ethnicities, everyone excited to be there. That’s what America is. America is all about diversity and including everyone,” she said.