Hundreds expected to attend “Climate of Change” event at Florence Darlington Tech

FLORENCE, SC – Hundreds will gather in Florence for this year’s Creating a Climate of Change Conference, to be held Thursday, Oct. 26 at Florence-Darling Technical College.

“People from all over the country will share information about the challenges they’ve faced and the successes they’ve enjoyed in building a cleaner, healthier, more equitable future for all,” said the Rev. Leo Woodberry, pastor of Kingdom Living Temple, which organizes the annual conference.  “We will hear from communities weatherizing homes to save needy families energy and money, students bringing clean and efficient energy to campuses, and church leaders practicing what they preach when it comes to caring for God’s creation,” Woodberry said.

Conference topics will include engaging faith communities, working through networks, local organizing, engaging youth, and funding.  Speakers and panelists include Jacqueline Patterson, who directs the NAACP’s Environmental and Climate Justice Program; Karenna Gore of the Center For Earth Ethics in New York; and Jodie van Horn, who directs the Sierra Club’s nationwide Ready for 100 Campaign.

The all-day event will start with a welcome from state Rep. Robert Williams, end with a worship service, and include speeches, panel discussions, lunch, an awards presentation, and a presentation by the Pee Dee Indian Tribal Dancers in between.

More information on the Creating a Climate for Change Conference can be found here.