Officials with the Horry County Solid Waste Department are spending part of the week in Montgomery, Alabama to tour a facility that could help
They are touring Infinitus Energy’s bulk handling system. The system uses automation to sort recyclables from regular trash, then workers sort out the rest.
According to assistant executive director, Mike Bessant, that should make it possible to recycle more material without the need for sorting out bottles, cans, and cardboard at home.
The hope is taking those items out of the landfill, will create more space in the long term.
Officials say an average of 300 dump truck loads are taken to the landfill daily, six days a week.
At current usage rates Horry County’s landfill will reach capacity in 2043 and they’re hoping improved technology can stretch that past the year 2100.
Bessant is part of the team in Alabama, looking to see if the system is economically feasible locally. They return to Horry County on Wednesday, count on updates on News13.
They are touring Infinitus Energy’s bulk handling system. The system uses automation to sort recyclables from regular trash, then workers sort out the rest.
According to assistant executive director, Mike Bessant, that should make it possible to recycle more material without the need for sorting out bottles, cans, and cardboard at home.
The hope is taking those items out of the landfill, will create more space in the long term.
Officials say an average of 300 dump truck loads are taken to the landfill daily, six days a week.
At current usage rates Horry County’s landfill will reach capacity in 2043 and they’re hoping improved technology can stretch that past the year 2100.
Bessant is part of the team in Alabama, looking to see if the system is economically feasible locally. They return to Horry County on Wednesday, count on updates on News13.