Horry County councilman wants sidewalks added to road widening project

HORRY COUNTY, S.C. (WBTW) – Newly-elected Horry County Councilman Tyler Servant wants crews to build sidewalks on Holmestown Road, but that will cost a lot of money.

Servant made the request for sidewalks to be built since Glenns Bay and Highway 707 will have sidewalks once its widening projects are complete.  Servant wants the sidewalks to continue down Holmestown between the roads.

State transportation crews say two, five-foot-wide, sidewalks on both sides of the road would cost $5 million.  One, eight-foot-wide, sidewalk on one side of the road would cost $3 million.

At this time, Horry County says it doesn’t have the money to pay for the project.  However, county staff is leaving the possibility of the project open if money comes available through the Grand Strand Area Transportation Study.