Home Protection: Tips to save on costly repairs

By Diane Lee (WSPA)

The warmer and more humid weather headed our way can put your most expensive asset at risk. Everything from bugs to fungus can lead to costly repairs on your home.

Tommy and Carole Tillotson in Spartanburg have been on the offense when it comes to termites ruining their home.

“Carole don’t put up with any kind of bugs, especially me,” said Tommy with a smile.

They are in good spirits considering they’ve had to replace one beam, and just found out there’s more damage.

Arrow Exterminators tell us termites alone cause 5 billion dollars worth of damage every year in the US. And that’s not covered by insurance.

Jarrell Jarrett with Arrow explains “one thing that they can do is they want to make sure any moisture sources like AC condensation lines, we want to make sure that they drain away from the home rather than up against it.”

The mulch right up against the house is also a no-no. It attracts not just termites, but also powder post beetles and woodboring beetles.

Moisture is another big threat to your home, especially during the spring and summer. So head to your crawlspace and consider buying a moisture meters.

It will tell you whether you’re at risk of wood decay fungus. Just stick it in and read it. This one says about 12% here. Anything higher than 20% means you could have a problem.

If you do, installing a moisture cover is a smart move.

Finally, spring can bring some pretty wicked storms, so check trees near your house for any limbs that could cause damage.

And as for the bugs the Tillotsons say a little money up front on annual home inspections can save you lots in repairs.