HOLY SMOKE! Bible survives SC car fire

GAFFNEY, SC – A car on the 100 block of Clear Field Drive on Friday. Firefighters say that the fire was so big it was threatening the homes nearby at one time.

Once the fire was out, almost the entire car was charred. Once investigators went inside the car, the only thing they found was a bible.

Gaffney Fire Chief James Caggiano says it’s very common and they see it a lot. He said there’s many theories about why that happens and how that happens.

One theory, the leather that usual binds bibles sometimes has a chemical that can keep it from burning quickly and when the pages aren’t open it can save it from the flames.

Others believe a higher power is protecting sacred words.

“It makes you stop and think.it gets you in your heart and makes you think about what’s going on at the time,” said Caggiano.