Heart-pounding back to school picture features unexpected photobomb

AUBURN, Ala. (WRBL) – It’s back to school for Auburn students which means their social media timelines are flooded with adorable pictures of precious kiddos wearing backpacks and bright smiles.

At first glance, the back to school picture of 7th grader Brooke Mills looks especially cute. The Auburn City School student smiles for the camera in skinny jeans, black t-shirt, and perfectly combed hair.

Looking at the snapshot, you barely notice the tree behind her and perhaps the most surprising “photo-bomb” in back to school picture history.

There’s a large snake slithering down the tree – looking directly at the Auburn student.

Brooke’s mother says she didn’t notice the reptile until the photo session had already begun Thursday morning.

“Lord, it was scary! I got two pictures and said ‘show your teeth please, baby!’ Then I saw the snake. I said ‘Brooke come here’ and she looked at me like I’m not done taking pics! So I said ‘Brooke get away from the tree now.’ I said it calmly, but I’m sure my face said it all,” shared Mills.

Thank goodness the only thing the snake wanted to “strike” was a pose in this unexpected back to school picture!

Brooke and her mom are okay, so is the snake. This Auburn family’s photo surely got our hearts pumping just in time for the bell to ring!