Healthcare Power of Attorney: Why you need to have one

By Diane Lee (WSPA)

Less than a third of Americans have filled out a living will or healthcare proxy. And yet, those important documents can take a lot of stress off family members when the end of life is near.

On this “National Healthcare Decisions Day” below are some helpful links to information and documents you’ll want to review, so you and your family are prepared.

Doctors and lawyers say the most important document to fill out is the Healthcare Power of Attorney, which allows you to chose someone to make healthcare decisions for you, if you can’t. You don’t need a lawyer to fill out the form, but you do need a witness there to sign it. Give copies to your doctor, the agent named, and save the original in a place your family knows about that is easily accessible (not your safe deposit box).

Doctor Garrett Snipes with Spartanburg Regional recommends you start by asking two key questions:

“What are you willing to go through to extend your life a very small amount, and what quality of life would you consider to be acceptable,” said Dr. Garrett.


5 Wishes: Answer questions on main end of life issues

North Carolina: Medical Orders For Scope Of Treatment (must be filled out with medical provider). This is not available yet in SC but is being tested and may be soon in some form.