HARTSVILLE, SC (WBTW) – Today more than 50 people marched in honor of Martin Luther King Jr in Hartsville. This is the second time the greater Hartsville Ministerial Alliance and One Hartsville partnered for the march. As the group walked down Main Street and near Coker College they listened to Dr. Kings, I have a dream speech. The group occasionally stopped to pray and sing as one.

Reverend Cal Carraway, Reverend At Outreach and Emmanuel Community Church In Lamar said, “It means a lot to the community. To bring unity to the community around Hartsville and in Darlington County.”

“If Dr. King was here today I would thank him for the right to vote. The right to go to school and fellowship with other races,” said Rena Boyce a Hartsville High School Senior.

Organizers say they hope the march grows and more people attend next year.