Group to rebuild 1k homes damaged by Hurricane Matthew

LUMBERTON, N.C. (AP) — A group has announced plans to restore and rebuild 1,000 homes in eastern North Carolina damaged by Hurricane Matthew.

The Fayetteville Observer reports (http://bit.ly/2q5fQ14 ) that North Carolina Baptists on Mission, based in Cary, plans on completing this goal within two years.

District Relief Coordinator Gaylon Moss says the group has already repaired or rebuilt 17 homes as of early May, and is seeking volunteers to join the effort. The group has provided service in hundreds of state disasters since 1984.

The Federal Emergency Management Agency estimated that as many as 100,000 homes in the state were damaged or made uninhabitable. Robeson and Cumberland counties were hit particularly hard by the October storm. The group will use Lumberton as a base.

Moss emphasized that volunteers and eligible homeowners need not be Baptists.