MYRTLE BEACH, SC (WBTW) – Police will be enforcing a traffic plan for Memorial Day weekend in the City of Myrtle Beach to deal with congestion.

This plan has three parts:

  • Part one: Traffic control devices have been staged at various intersections across the city. In the event that a roadway becomes heavily congested and the traffic demands exceed the roadway capacity, a team of officers have been identified to utilize the staged traffic control devices to divert traffic to a less congested area.
  • Part two: South Carolina Highway Patrol will be monitoring eight intersections at key points throughout the city during peak travel times. Their role will be to direct traffic and control the intersection to ensure traffic is moving, and the intersection does not become congested.
  • Part three: Beginning Friday morning at 6 a.m., motorists will be allowed to travel southbound only on Ocean Blvd. The northbound lane will be for emergency vehicles only. Pedestrian barricades have been placed along the curb on Ocean Blvd. The barricades will encourage pedestrians to utilize the crosswalks and to prevent pedestrians from walking in the roadway.

On Thursday night, police also posted a link to social media of an interactive traffic map of Ocean Boulevard for the weekend.

Count on News13 for updates.