Surfside Beach Town Council approves first reading of parking rate increase ordinance

SURFSIDE BEACH, SC (WBTW) – The Surfside Beach Town Council approved a first reading of an ordinance that would increase the parking rate during a meeting on Tuesday.

News13 was at the meeting at Council Chambers.

The ordinance would increase the rate from $1.75 to $2.00 per hour at all beach access lots.

The town’s parking season begins March 1 and residents would be given free parking decals.

An online document suggesting the change stated that staff proposed the rate for town oceanfront beach access parking east of Ocean Boulevard be increased to mirror other municipalities.

“I think they understand that we have to keep our services up, and we have to keep our beaches clean, which we have. And we are the family beach. We’ve done a good job of that. So, i don’t think the residents are going to be upset at all that we raised our rates a little bit,” said Surfside Beach Council Member Randle Stevens.

According to the City of Myrtle Beach website, parking meter rates there range from $1.50 to $2.00 per hour.

Horry County beach accesses in Garden City and Nash Street provide free, year-round parking.

The parking rate in Surfside Beach was last increased three years ago, when a 50 cent hike was introduced to all parking lots, meters and pay stations.