The Surfside Beach Planning Commission held a public meeting Monday evening to gather public input on a requested rezoning project that would impact properties along Surfside Drive, from Popular Drive to Dogwood Drive.

The proposal would rezone the area to allow small shops, like thrift stores, art galleries, and restaurants with open porches to be build on the several vacant lots on Surfside Drive. The Planning Commission says the proposal’s goal is to increase the town’s walkability and revenue.

However, during Monday night’s public hearing, residents brought up several issues they believe would arise from permitting small shops and restaurants to be built in their neighborhood.

“We have trash, we have parking, we have crime issues, we’re gonna have vandalism, you’re gonna have drunks at night. None of us wanna do this,” says Phillip Cheriko, a Surfside resident.

In addition, problems of safety, property values, and loss of backyard privacy were among residents’ concerns. 

The Surfside Planning Commission says rezoning the area to include businesses and restaurants is one of the few ways the town can make money.

“If you want those nice things, the nice roads, the street lights and all those things that you’ve been getting for so long, then you either need to pay more taxes, or you get your revenue from somewhere else,” says Carrie Johnson, Chair of the Planning Commission.

Surfside ultimately decided to defer their vote to council until their meeting in August in order to add more details to the proposal and hold another public hearing.

Documents relating to the rezoning request are available for public inspection at the Planning, Building, and Zoning Department at 115 U.S. Highway North in Surfside Beach. Resident can also send comments about the proposal  to the same address.