A second ethics complaint has been filed against a Surfside Beach town councilman.

The complaint of “undue influence” was filed by Steve Shore, of Surfside Beach, against Surfside Beach Town Councilman Randle Stevens in February 2018.

The complaint alleges that Stevens attended a Construction Board of Appeals meeting on January 22, 2018 and that “the appeal had nothing to do with Mr. Stevens.”

“He attended and spoke as a Surfside Beach Councilman and encouraged the members of the appeals board to grant an appeal to his friend who had an issue with the Town of Surfside Beach specifically, a decision made by a certified building official requiring fill dirt,” the compliant also alleges. “His intent was to influence the appeals board to ‘do the right thing’.”

The complaint further alleges that Stevens actions were “an abuse of power.”

In October, Stevens was ordered to pay $3,300 in fines and fees as a reduced civil penalty after the State Ethics Commission found him in violation of state ethics laws.

These violations included failing to disclose campaign contributions and expenditures, and accepting anonymous contributions. 

Shore’s full complaint can be read here.