SCDOT to shift traffic pattern on US 501 as crews work to remove flood barriers

SCDOT will shift traffic patterns on US Highway 501 on Wednesday as crews continue work to remove flood barriers in the area.

Current single lanes on US 501 will be shifted to the opposite side of the highway at 2 p.m. on Wednesday, according to a post on SCDOT’s Facebook page. SCDOT asks all beach-bound trucks and oversize loads to use SC 22 until this work is complete. 

According to a post on the City of Conway’s Facebook page, all southbound traffic will be diverted on to Millpond Rd. to Hwy 501 Business and all northbound traffic on Hwy 501 will be diverted on to Hwy 501 Business near the 501 Business/Bypass split. 

“We do not know how long this closure will last but we will advise once it is complete and back open,” the city’s post says.  

WBTW News13 will provide updates as we receive them.