MYRTLE BEACH, SC (WBTW) – The Myrtle Beach Police Department is partnering with businesses for what it says will create a safer environment for everyone.

They put together a loitering program to do just that.         

In order to be part of it, you must first complete an application allowing officers to enforce loitering on your property.       

Once the application is complete, an officer will meet with you and survey the property and recommend how many signs are needed.

“You have people who come onto the property that aren’t patrons and they like to hang out in the parking lot, whether they are drinking in the parking lot, asking for money, going up to legal and lawful patrons of that business,” said Stephie Parrin, with the MBPD.

Once approved, you will be given signs to post on your property.   

Count on News13 for any updates on this program.