MYRTLE BEACH, SC (WBTW) – Myrtle Beach city crews will begin picking up storm debris on Monday.

According to a post on the city’s Facebook page, clean up crews will make three passes through the entire city, so if workers miss piles on the first pass, they’ll return for more cleanup.

Workers will collect tree limbs, demolition debris, and other trash from Hurricane Florence. The city advises homeowners to not bag debris.

Other rules to keep in mind:

  • Get storm debris out to the right-of-way as promptly as possible. Please do not call asking for trucks to leave their scheduled routes – all areas will be attended. 
  • City crews and equipment are not permitted on private property for storm debris removal. This includes private yards, gated communities, mobile home parks and developments with privately owned streets.
  • Place storm debris within 15 feet of the pavement edge. 
  • Separate storm debris by type into different piles. Different types may be picked up at different times. 
  • Do not commingle piles. Staff will not pick up mixed piles of debris. Do not bag storm debris. 
  • Do not place debris on or near utility boxes, water valves or meters, fire hydrants, fences and the like. Leave room for the truck to operate. 
  • Contractors are NOT permitted to dispose of debris on the public right-of-way. Commercial businesses are responsible for disposing of any debris they generate.

Separate piles into vegetation, construction-and-demolition debris and appliances (if any). Questions can be directed to the Myrtle Beach Public Works Department at 843-918-2000.