Myrtle Beach City Council moves forward to create affordable workforce housing

MYRTLE BEACH, SC (WBTW)- Myrtle Beach city leaders voted to move forward with building affordable work force housing so people can afford to live in the city they work in.

City leaders voted to move forward with the idea on Tuesday, and have an advisory board give them recommendations by next year. City Council also moved forward with how to pay for the project.

Myrtle Beach city leaders want to build affordable homes for working people who make 30,000 to 60,000 dollars a year. It’s a concept that’s getting attention in other cities across the country. 

They said it could help people like fire fighters, teachers, police officers, and millennials. City leaders said it will also help by having needed employees living in the city during a crisis like a hurricane.

To pay for the project, City Council passed the first reading that would create a quarter of a percent increase on building permits exceeding a $100,000. City leaders believe that would generate $800,000 for the project.

“Be used to purchase property and that property could then be sold back to a developer with certain rent restrictions so it’s not priced out of the reach of let’s say a teacher,” said City Manager, John Pederson.

The proposed building permit increase still has to pass a second reading.