“My body, my choice” : Dozens hold pro-choice rally in Myrtle Beach

Abortion rights advocates hosted a series of rallies nationwide Tuesday to protest recently-passed anti-abortion laws.

The protests come a week after Alabama enacted the strictest abortion law in the United States. 

In all, more than 50 organizations are participating in the “Stop the Bans” rallies happening in almost all 50 states.

That includes South Carolina. Dozens of people gathered in Valor Park in the Market Common to make it clear they are not pro-abortion but that they are pro-choice.

“My body, my choice” was chanted over and over at the rally– a battlecry for women to have the right to choose what they do with their bodies. 

“It’s really just all about choice and being able to have the support that comes with making that choice,” Bachata Diva, who attended the rally, said. 

Alabama’s law, which will likely face legal challenges, would virtually make terminating a pregnancy illegal.

It doesn’t seem that it’s fair to force people to do things with their body that they have not consented to and that they do not desire,” Julinna Oxley, co-founder of Grand Strand Action Together, exclaimed over a megaphone during her speech Tuesday. 

South Carolina’s anti-abortion movement scored a victory last month after the State House passed a bill that would make abortion illegal once a fetal heartbeat is detected. 

The bill is now in the Senate.

“As you know I’m pro-life, this is a pro-life  state, I’ll be happy to sign any pro-life bill that comes to my desk,” Governor Henry McMaster told the media last month. 

Supporters of the bans hope one challenge will make it to the U.S. Supreme Court and potentially overturn the 1973 Roe vs. Wade decision.

Tuesday’s rally in Myrtle Beach was made up primarily of older women who said they’re fighting to avoid turning back the clock.

“Almost 50 years ago we did everything we could do in the pro-choice movement, and it passed. And I am angry that 46 years later I am out here again,” Judy Cooper said. 

President Trump tweeted over the weekend that he opposes abortion with the exceptions of rape, incest and protecting the life of the woman.

Eight states so far this year have passed laws limiting abortion rights while five other states passed so-called “heartbeat bills,” which ban abortions after six to eight weeks of pregnancy. 

Missouri Governor Mike Parson is expected this week to sign a law banning most abortions after the 8th week of pregnancy. 

Georgia, meanwhile is being targeted for recently signing a heartbeat bill into law.

Numerous people in the entertainment industry, including director Ron Howard, say they’ll boycott the Peach State’s booming market if the law goes into effect in 2020.