Loris Florist and Gifts blooms in new location after devastating fire

LORIS (WBTW) – Days before Easter, in the middle of prom season, and only weeks away from Mother’s Day, Loris Florist and Gifts was destroyed in a fire.

“We were only out of work the Tuesday that the shop burnt and the Wednesday afterwords,” said April Sims, owner of Loris Florist and Gifts. “Thursday we were in this building working.” 

A washer and a dryer serve as temporary flower stands, a bath tub for a temporary flower pot holder, and an old shed for a temporary storage unit make up the temporary home of Loris Florist and Gifts. Last week the flower shop van some how caught on fire, that spread to the car port, then to the main structure of the building in the attic. Like a locust to field of daisies, the fire spread quickly. 

“A lot of storage up there,” said Sims. “And the buidling was over 60 years old. So they told me when it caught on fire up there the old tar roof that was there previously before an a-frame was built, they just couldn’t get it out. It was just like pouring gas on a fire.” 

Craig and April are working on getting a flower cooler, until then, the whole building is a big ice box. If you want a bouquet of lilies or a respite from the heat, stop by. They’re on Broad Street. 

“New spot’s okay, kind of small, but it works.” 

As you can see Craig, April and the girls are just as busy as ever, they’re cruising around the tight quarters with a rose petal to the metal. They’re keeping busy because of the support they’ve seen. 

“Our community is just great, so loving, more than anyone can ever know,” said Sims. “It means the world to us. It’s just God’s love and people.” 

Loris Florist and Gifts is now located at 5218 Broad Street in Loris, South Carolina.