Horry County Planning Commission doesn’t show up to scheduled public hearing

CONWAY, SC (WBTW) – Residents were left angry after half of the Horry County Planning Commission did not show up to Thursday night’s meeting.

Several residents came to the planning commission public hearing to voice their concerns about different, proposed developments across Horry County.

“A lot of people put a tremendous amount of work into this tonight, and half of the zoning board isn’t here,” Deborah Hudson, a neighbor in the White Horse community said.

Mike Wooten, an engineer with DDC Engineers working on a few developments that were supposed to have public hearing at the meetings, stayed back to talk with the residents.

One development in particular near Highway 90 and International Drive is leaving neighbors frustrated.

DDC Engineers is proposing to rezone nearly 100 acres of land, and turn it into a housing development. The current zoning allows for 40,000 square foot lots, and the new zoning would knock that square footage down to 6,500.

Some neighbors say the size change is concerning.

“This is basically cramming as many people into a small area as possible,” one neighbor said.

Residents say they left feeling like nothing was accomplished because they did not get the change to voice their concerns to the county government.

The scheduled public hearings will likely take place at County Council’s next meeting this month.