Horry County man ‘Caught Green Handed’ recycling

CONWAY, SC (WBTW) – Being caught red handed isn’t a good thing, but being ‘Caught Green Handed’ in Horry County is.  

Every month the Horry County Solid Waste Authority randomly catches someone at a county recycling center, recycling, and then gives them a small prize package. January’s recipient is Jim Mansfield. 

“It’s a terrific incentive,” said Mansfield. “If more people saw this, I think there’d be more people bringing their stuff. This old world ain’t getting no bigger.”

Representatives from Horry County Solid Waste Authority enjoy surprising recyclers every month too.

“We love, people are always a little bit on guard when they see you walking up to them,” said Esther Murphy, Director of Recycling and Corporate Affairs for the Horry County Solid Waste Authority. “They think they’re doing something wrong, or something’s happened, and once we explain to them what we’re trying to do, and just recognize their recycling efforts, everybody leaves with smiles.”

Whoever’s ‘Caught Green Handed’ wins a recycling prize pack that includes a recycling bin, reuseable lunch bag, ‘Caught Green Handed’ insulated cup, gardening gloves, compostable yard waste bags and a $25 gift card from Wal-Mart.

A winner is chosen at random each month at a Horry County recycling center.