Horry County Councilman Cam Crawford is the newest elected member of the South Carolina Association of Counties (SCAC) Board of Directors. 

“I’m excited about working with the SCAC; it’s a great opportunity to expand advocacy and further address issues that are important to Horry County,” Crawford said regarding his election to the South Carolina Association of Counties Board of Directors.

SCAC Board of Directors Executive Director, Michael Cone, had this to say of Councilman Crawford’s election: “You have demonstrated your dedication to improving county government in South Carolina and your ability to work with county officials from all aspects of local government to achieve this goal. We look forward to your continued sharing of these talents with the leadership of this Association.”

The South Carolina Association of Counties is a non-partisan, nonprofit organization, and the only statewide organization representing county government in South Carolina. It is governed by a 29-member Board of Directors, composed of county officials from across South Carolina. Its membership, which includes all 46 counties, spans the spectrum from predominately urban to rural. 

Councilman Crawford was elected to Horry County Council in 2015, representing District 6, the Greater Socastee Area. He currently serves on Horry County’s Administration Committee as well as Horry County’s I&R Committee. Additionally, he holds a seat on the Waccamaw Regional Council of Governments and the South Carolina Association of Counties Board of Directors.