Free legal clinics at library in Myrtle Beach

The Chapin Memorial Library offers free legal clinics about twice a month, each on a different topic.

Tonight, the clinic will focus will be on landlord and tenant issues.

The library partners with South Carolina Legal Services and the SC Bars Pro Bono Services, this allows lawyers to come make a presentation and answer basic legal questions on a variety of topics.

The library has offered these clinics for more than a decade on and off but when a staff member who formally worked in the municipal court system noticed he need in the city for legal advice, the clinics became a regular event.

Library staff members tell News13, the most popular clinic topics are about estate, probate and wills.

Although the lawyers are not able to assist in specific litigation, the clinics act as a resource to give information people otherwise may not have access to.

“Legal services I think are just a very complex thing for people to wrap their heads around,” Library director Jennifer Nassar said. “There are so many different steps people have to take and it can be daunting. So having that resource through the library eliminates a lot of the confusion or misconceptions that people might have gaining legal services.”

Tonight’s clinic will start at 6 P.M. at the library and for the library’s full calendar click here