It’s now illegal for most people to feed “migratory water fowl” in Horry County after a final vote by council members Tuesday night.

The council gave the third and final approval to change an existing ordiance on the topic. It amends “the County Code pertaining to feeding migratory wild fowl.” The most obvious example of birds pertinent to the ordinance would be Canada geese. Ducks would are also included in the restriction.

Now feeding of the birds will only be allowed on a designated wilderness area that is at least five acres in size.

News13 previously reported on the existing law that allowed the feeding of ducks and geese on any designated wildlife area. However, there was no real definition for a wildlife area, particularly in regards to property size. So people in the county have been feeding the birds in dense residential areas.

The feeding of birds in dense residential areas has created concerns and complaints from people who live in those areas. The birds have caused damage to property and created health hazards.