It was a busy day at the Myrtle Beach International Airport with thousands of passengers coming and going to get to their holiday destinations, with several delays.
For one family, this is the day they’ve been waiting for, for a very long time.
The Dominguez family anxiously stood at the bottom of the escalators at the Myrtle Beach International Airport to greet their Grandparents who traveled to Myrtle Beach from Mexico.
“For my parents its been 23 years since they’ve last seen my Grandparents so it’s very special and important to us because we are going to get to spend our first holiday together.” said Vanessa Dominguez.
One of the other grandchildren, Abraham Dominguez couldn’t hold back his tears.
“We are going to spend time with them, we are going to be together as a family.” said Dominguez.
The family says its been tough getting them into the country even for a visit.
“We just applied recently for our Grandparents to get a VISA and they just got accepted over the summer.” said Vanessa Dominguez.