Conway City Council to hear plans for future land use

CONWAY, SC (WBTW) – On Monday night, Conway City Council will hear plans for the future of land use in the city.

South Carolina state law requires all communities in the state draft a new comprehensive plan every 10 years.

The land use portion is one of several in the plan. Others include population, natural resources and culture.

“Also in the plan we looked at where new housing needs to go, where new industry needs to go, where new commercial nodes need to be, so we focused on the flooding of course, but also where we thought economic growth needed to happen,” says Conway Deputy City Administrator and Planning Director Mary Catherine Hyman.

Hyman also says flooding the city experienced since the last comprehensive plan made this the most anticipated portion of the plan for the community.

“That’s really changed the way the plan looks from when it was done ten years ago so that’s something we spent a lot of time reviewing and making sure we heard from the public,” Hyman says.

To see the city’s comprehensive plan, click here.

Monday’s meeting will be at the Conway City Hall at 5:30 p.m.