City of Myrtle Beach passes coyote response plan

MYRTLE BEACH, SC (WBTW)- The City of Myrtle Beach passed a response plan to recent coyote sightings on Tuesday.

Mayor Brenda Bethune said the city needs to partner with residents on this issue, so they passed a five step action plan.

The city wants to continue educational efforts, and develop a system to document encounters like location, time of day, and the coyote’s behavior. 

City leaders also want to discuss legislation with lawmakers to increase emergency resources with SCDNR. They also are developing a plan to inspect potential food sources.

City Council will also establish a $15,000 fund for any wildlife emergency. The mayor said this isn’t just an issue in Myrtle Beach, but across the state and country.

“My fear is that people will have a very unrealistic expectation that we can completely eradicate coyotes and we can’t do that,” said Mayor Bethune.

The city said there has been several documented attacks on pets, although none of those happened while they were on a leash.

The city recommends you take a large stick and air horn while walking your pets and to report coyote encounters through the city’s website.

For more information on the action plan click here.