ATLANTIC BEACH, SC (WBTW) – The Ocean Apartments are temporarily closing down after being declared a nuisance business by the Horry County Solicitor’s office.
Horry County solicitor, Jimmy Richardson says police are constantly called to the complex.
Following an investigation, undercover police officers purchased drugs from 10 different residents at the Ocean Apartments and found one resident manufacturing drugs inside the unit, according to court documents.
The documents also state apartment manager, Rodger Gamble allegedly allowed the illegal drug activity to occur.
The Ocean Apartments will have to close down for one year before reopening.
“We really just want to abate the problem so the neighbors don’t have to put up bad neighbors,” Richardson said.
“The thing that most people don’t realize, usually not only neighbors but a lot of times the landowner will be on our side in that thing and saying look, we’ve known this was a problem for a long time, we don’t want that sort of tenant here, we are glad that you are coming in and closing it,” Richardson said.
However, some renters disagree.
“It’s just shock and awe really because now I have to find a place to go. I heard rumors that they were going to close it down but I didn’t know we would get such short, short notice,” Christopher Travis Trumgoole, a two-year renter at the apartments said.
Trumgoole says he received notice on June 6 that he had to vacate the property by July 1. Initially, he was surprised upon receiving the notice, because he says the crime was not a huge concern to him.
“There have been a couple instances here and there that may shake an individual, there was a shooting, they say there’s some drug activity, but personally, I’m minding my own business. I’m from the Bronx, a lot of that stuff goes down all over the world,” Trumgoole said.
Trumgoole says he has to find a new place that is still within walking distance from his work.
“It’s not about fairness for me. Life ain’t fair, the world ain’t fair. For me, it’s about the right and wrong thing. When you let the actions of a few affect the many, I just think that’s wrong,” Trumgoole said.
Richardson says before officially declaring the Ocean Apartments a nuisance, they gave apartment management one month to notify residents of the closure.
People who live in the apartments say their rent will be prorated, however, they wish they had more time to find a new place to live.