MYRTLE BEACH, SC (WBTW)- Saturday marked the 22nd Myrtle Beach Marathon brining in thousands of people to our area.
Thousands of feet hit the pavement in downtown Myrtle Beach. For Sabrina Ray and Sharon Floyd this is the second time they took on the challenge.
“26.2 miles. Don’t forget the point two because that’s the hardest part,” said Sharon Floyd.
After 12 weeks of training they join nearly 4,500. That number up from the previous year.
Sabrina and Sharon said the running community is one big family.
“For miles and everybody it’s always different people, and they’re so friendly, and they introduce themselves along the run. So we meet everyone,” said Ray.
To make it to the finish line, Sabrina tells herself on thing.
“I have this chant in my head. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me, as I keep it moving as I see that finish line. We’re there,” said Ray.
One Colorado man broke a course record for the half marathon.
“It’s kind of my goal. I knew I could run around that time for now. It was pretty close I didn’t think I was going to get it with a couple of miles to go, but my last mile or two I picked it up. I’m looking forward to going to the beach now,” said Kurt Roesner.
The big crowd is also a big boost for Myrtle Beach
“It’s a nice draw for the community, of course it brings in extra income for the community ,but it’s a nice chance to get to know people,” said Floyd.
Myrtle Beach Police had their eyes in the sky with all hands on deck making sure the influx of people in our area make it across the finish line.